Life is getting back to normal

Well, I don’t know about you, but things are starting to feel a lot more normal. This weekend I was able to go to the hairdressers, something that was VERY overdue and I went out for brunch on Sunday with my husband. Prior to Covid-19 and the lock down, these were both things I took for granted. I think one of the biggest things I have learned during this whole crazy experience of lock down is how enjoyable little things, like getting your hair cut, are, and how I never appreciated them enough before. I would like you to share what you did over the last weekend, and tell us some of the activities that you are really happy to be able to do again now we are out of lock down. You could write this as a piece of prose or as a poem if you like – maybe an acrostic, or a haiku. For example:

My weekend was great

Getting rid of my grey hair

Makes me feel much better.


Blogging challenge – Week 5

It’s been a real shame that we have missed out on some of the student blogging challenge because of lock down. Here is this weeks challenge and it ties in nicely with what we were learning about in term 1.

Here is the link to the instructions Week 5 instructions

If you do this – don’t forget to add your post to the google form so other student bloggers can see your post and comment. Here is the link to the form GOOGLE FORM

What I am reading at the moment.

Last night I started a new book by my favourite author – Alexander McCall Smith. I have read nearly all of his books. He tends to write series and my favourite series is the 44 Scotland Street series. He is a Scottish author and his books are very character driven. This means there is not a lot of action but you get to know the characters really well and their funny little quirks. I love that about his writing.

The book I started last night is called ‘The peppermint tea chronicles’ and I read only one chapter which is unusual for me normally, but because I have to wake up at 2am to give my husband his medication, I am getting quite tired. Anyway, the book started off with two characters, Angus and Domenica, a married couple, talking about how people need to be more humble and not so narcissistic (which means thinking very highly about oneself – sort of like a showoff).

I am looking forward to reading more tonight.

My favourite book

Team Tahi, I hope you have realised by now that I LOVE reading. I read every night, in fact if I don’t read I can’t get to sleep. This is a habit that my mum gave me because until I was 13 I had to go to bed at 7.30pm every night but I was allowed to read for half an hour. When I was young, I thought it was really unfair because all my friends were allowed to stay up and watch TV. However, as I got older I became very grateful as the books I read allowed me to escape into so many different worlds, much more than a TV programme or movie. (Don’t get me wrong – I do like TV).

My favourite book ever, and this is a very hard decision, is Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. I read it when I was in high school and it just captivated me. It’s all about lost love and tortured souls.

What I would like to see from Team Tahi this week, is a post about your favourite book. Sell it to us – tell us a brief run down of the plot (what happens), the main characters, what your favourite part is and why we should also read it. I look forward to reading your posts.



One of the key learning attributes that Team Tahi selected as being important in our classroom this year was Perseverance. We have looked at the learning pit, and discussed having a growth mindset for learning. Perseverance is key to all of this – not giving up and having the attitude that ‘I may not be able to do it YET, but I will get there.’

This week, I want to hear some of your perseverance stories. When have you had to keep trying? Did you succeed in the end? How did you feel? Do you feel you are a person that perseveres? Do you see the importance of it? How are you going to persevere in your learning this year?

El Gregoe’s visit

Last week, Duntroon school was really lucky to have El Gregoe the magician visit us. His message was all about how we can take steps to make sure we have great days at school by using the values of caringempathy, respect, responsibility, and resilience. These tie in perfectly with our Duntroon BEST values – Believe in yourself, Empowered to learn, Socially responsible and Thinkers and learners for life. 

El Gregoe is an amazing magician and some of Team Tahi’s members got to assist him with his tricks.

Favourite childhood memory.

A lot of my favourite childhood memories revolve around my cousins and horses. I got my first pony when I was 8, her name was Judy and she was a welsh mountain pony. She arrived on Christmas morning and I was so excited. I had been begging my mum and dad for a pony for a few years. Judy taught me a lot because she was really NAUGHTY! She used to take off on me in the paddock and race to the gate, slam on her brakes and try and toss me over the gate. Riding Judy gave me really strong legs.

My next horse was called Spice and he was old and lovely. My cousins and I used to ride him bareback all over the farm. He was so kind and would just patiently put up with us jumping on and off him.

Two of my cousins lived at the back of our farm – their farm and our farm joined up together, and we would spend hours together making huts in the hay barns, riding horses, playing cops and robbers on my mum’s old scooter. We had so much fun.

I am really looking forward to reading about your favourite childhood memory.

Welcome to 2020

Well, a lot has changed in my life so far this year. One of the most exciting changes has been starting a new job at Duntroon Primary School, and I am LOVING it! Here is my awesome class – minus one student who is away at the moment. They are a fantastic group of students who know how to do the mahi! I can’t wait to see what they can achieve this year.